Sunday, December 7, 2014


April 14, 2014
Jim and I met the fifth addition to our family, our third baby girl, at 5:49am. She weighed 8lbs. 5oz. and was 20 inches long. I was sceduled to go to the hospital for yet another scheduled cesarean at 7:30am on April 14. However, the night before the surgery, I began to have contractions at 10pm. At first I thought they were braxton hicks (false labor) so I went to bed and tried to sleep until we needed to leave. At 1:30am I woke with a start, having severe cramping and contractions every 3 minutes. I tried to go back to sleep and within another 30 minutes things were progressing rather quickly. I woke up Jim who was really excited and started getting ready to go right away. However, I was still in denial of the whole thing and wanted to shower before we left. Jim insisted we go, so I followed his advice and off we went. When we arrived at the hospital I was 3-4 cm and the nurses insisted I wait until my scheduled time. Nally had other plans, within two hours of getting there I was already at 8cm! I was in so much pain and every minute was another contraction. They asked me if I wanted to try for a natural birth or a ceserean. In a moment of fear I opted for the ceserean. If I had the choice again I would have tried for the natural birth, considering how close I was!

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