Saturday, September 8, 2012

Our Private Ceremony

Jim & I got engaged in January 2012, a month after we met and started dating. We ultimately want to get sealed in the LDS temple in Nauvoo, Illinois. We decided to first make our marriage legal by getting married civilly by our church Bishop, and then together work towards our goal of a temple marriage. We believe that our temple marriage is the one that would be the most important, so we're saving the big reception and celebration for 2013. On February 25, 2012 we had a private ceremony at our bishops home. We only had 6 people in attendance. It was a very sweet ceremony, and afterwards we invited all the adult family members in the area to dinner at JMK Nippon.

Friday, September 7, 2012


In December 2011, about a month after moving from Washington to Illinois, I met Jim C. W. in church. We were in the same adult Sunday school class and we sat a seat away from each other. We started to have a casual conversation. Two weeks later (and a week before Christmas) we went on our first date. We started going out on regular dates after that.
I quickly learned about all of his wonderful personality traits. He is very helpful and considerate of others . I learned that unless he is comfortable with you, he can be very quiet, shy, and reserved. Which I thought was funny because the moment I met him, he wasn't quiet or shy at all. Jim was born and raised in Illinois, and has a lot of family that lives locally. He is also an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and he has strong family values.
When we started dating, my mom was very happy for me, as well as all of my friends and family.
 I knew without a doubt he was worth getting to know, and my gut feelings were right!

December 2012, our 4th date